The Ezekiel 38 War, Battle of Armageddon

Taking place in the Valley of Megiddo, the Ezekiel 38 war, also called the Battle of Armageddon, will be the final face off between the forces of light against the forces of darkness. The Bible describes this cataclysmic event as a massive and bloody battle, unlike anything that has been known to man or will be known after.

Referred to as Magog in Ezekiel, a series of nations led by Russia including Iran, Turkey, and Sudan, will come to conquer and plunder Israel but will be repelled via supernatural means. Gog, the ruler of Russia (Magog), will lead the alliance of the demonic hordes against God's Holy nation and will be defeated.

While it is impossible and unbiblical to set a specific date, current events, particularly the 10/7 attack by Hamas and the recent attack on Israel by Iran, place the occurrence of the battle of armageddon in the very near future. All of the nations that will be involved are aligned exactly as foretold in Ezekiel.

As difficult as it may be for us today to imagine, not a single nation will rise to Israel's defense as it faces down a foe many times its size. Thus, America, Israel's strongest partner and the first nation to recognize the only Jewish state, is not mentioned in scripture. It will not take a stand for the Holy Land nor play any noteworthy role.

The reason for this is because the United States will no longer exist as we now know it at that time. This will not be because of a nuclear weapon or a brutal war that will wipe the U.S. from existence, but because it will be absorbed into China and Russia. This may be hard for some to grasp and understandably so, but we can see signs of this occurring now. If we just look carefully, there are signs all around us.

Yet, the communists' plan to take over America is not at all a new one. It began nearly a century ago and has been strategically implemented and furthered over-time by forces situated within our own government so as to avoid detection.

But, as the plan continues today, America no longer remotely resembles what it did just 25 years ago as the arrogation of a once great nation nears completion.

See the shocking evidence of the plan to take over the once shining beacon of democratic freedom by ordering The Great Arrogation: Why America is Not a Party to the Battle of Armageddon. In addition to that evidence, you will also gain access to an in depth analysis of how America is already a socialist state, a closer look at the Ezekiel 38 War and the nations involved in it, as well as a comparison of the Ezekiel prophecy compared to armageddon described in the War Scroll (from the Dead Sea Scrolls).

Battle of Armageddon, Ezekiel 38 War
Battle of Armageddon, Ezekiel 38 War
Armageddon, Ezekiel 38 War
Armageddon, Ezekiel 38 War
China and Russia, battle of Armageddon
China and Russia, battle of Armageddon